UOK? We’re here for You
Our student mental health plan features an ongoing mental health and wellbeing campaign for our students. This includes wellbeing events & digital campaigns, mindfulness areas on campus, provision of wellbeing packs for students and a suite of ‘in conversation’ mental health student videos.
As part of our #BlackHistoryMonth campaign we researched several topics that are key to #antiracisteducation and combating racism. These social media posts were brief overviews which you should use to do your own, further research and learning. The African-Caribbean Society and several of our Black members helped us shape these posts and shape the ways in which we celebrate #blackhistorymonth2020.
Climate Emergency
In 2019, UUSU Student Council passed the 'Climate Emergency' policy which mandated the officer team to:
- Become an ambassador of the UN “Sustainable Development Goals” and link our successes to the KPS' used in the SDG’s to measure improvement and success in these areas.
- To provide a platform for students to engage with the UN Sustainable Development goals” through societies, campaigns, projects and events in order to create a lasting interest in environmental sustainability.
- To work in partnership with the University to ensure the UN Sustainable Development Goals are embedded into the curriculum and that the University also adapts the UN Sustainable Development goals within any of their sustainability-related practices.
- To promote and increase awareness the UN Sustainable Development Goals through relevant UUSU campaigns & events (including but not limited to the annual NUS Global Goals Teach-In campaign.
Through this, in February-March 2021, UUSU launched our Sustainability Fortnight which celebrated the work our students in progressing towards a number of the goals with a 'Sustainability Story Callout', coordinated themed society events, and collaborated with UU in the running of the SDG Teach In.

Net Zero Challenge
Off the back of COP26, in partnership with Ulster University, we were pleased to launch the Net Zero Challenge, an initiative that incentives taking action to reduce your carbon footprint, as well as encourage wider sectorial reductions in emissions. To find out more and take part, just follow the link: do.thenetzerochallenge.org
Period Poverty
In collaboration with @nus_usi and @insidequbsu are our Period Poverty Action Group; a student-led group dedicated to the elimination of period poverty across HE/FE colleges in Northern Ireland. The aim was to address #periodpoverty through lobbying, a stigma-breaking awareness campaign and supporting our members to achieve Period Care initiatives on all HE/FE campuses in the North.
Campaign involved sharing information (and recipes) on the history of Veganuary, veganism, the movement, how you can go vegan and how you can make a personal difference to #climatechange if #veganism isn't right for you. We also promoted our #vegansociety @uusuvegangeneration with our stories (and highlights) for resources & information to support you on your personal journey to #veganism, becoming #crueltyfree and, taking #climateaction.
Wellbeing Garden
We’re excited to share this new project with Magee students of all skillsets and backgrounds (not just growers, event-organisers, artists, whatever you’ve got will be a massive help and valued!) to get involved through society membership or going for a committee role to help lead the change. As this will start off in the coming weeks, post-graduates, internationals, and any other students around over the break are especially encouraged to keep connected to UUSU over the summer break.