How are students represented at Ulster?

In partnership with your University we have a valued and responsive structure of academic representation.

Guided by our UU/UUSU Student Voice Framework, elected student reps represent the collective student opinion on everything impacting on your learning experience.

Reps meet with staff, sit on committees and communicate widely to feedback on the learning experiences at Ulster, which helps to extend student opinion beyond surveys.

Course Reps, School/Dept Reps and Faculty Reps all work to resolve the day to day issues you may hit at the earliest possible opportunity.

They also work with your course team to develop and enhance your complete learning experience, feed your views into University quality assurance processes, and get involved with curriculum review and design processes.

At Ulster, staff and course teams want to hear your honest views on everything from course content, quality of feedback to teaching styles and everything else in-between (the good and not so good).

While most communication will be informal your course will have the opportunity at least once a semester to formalise feedback through a Staff/Student Consultative Meeting between course reps and staff.

Help your reps make the most of these opportunities. Share your experience (good, bad and indifferent) and offer your support throughout the year especially if negotiating difficult conversations on your behalf.

The majority of course reps will be in place by end of October, you can find out who is representing your course or programme.

Academic Representation is Student Led. So if you have any issues concerning your education, approach your Rep. To find out who your rep is you can visit the links below

If you have a query or need more information, please contact one of our Voice Team staff members listed below.


  • Mandy Mulholland
    Student Voice Manager
  • Mark Francos
    Governance & Policy Coordinator
  • Currently Recruiting
    Academic Representation Coordinator