Candidate for the position of BSc Hons Business Info Syst FT Year 1 - Rep

Aoife McAllister

Ensuring your course works for YOU

Fellow BIS students,

As it is our first year at university, I think you will agree this new experience has been somewhat overwhelming. We have been overloaded with information regarding our course and the extra-curricular activities available to us and I'm sure you will concur that if there is one thing that requires clarity and your peace of mind, it's your course.

This is why I am standing for the position of course representative for Business Information Systems. As your course rep, I want to ensure that all members of our course have the ability to perform well and I believe this is achievable through a clear line of communication between lecturers and students. As your course rep, I will be the link between you and your lecturers so that everyone's voices and opinions can be heard.

If successful, I intend to pursue with vigour any and all problems or queries that you may have with this course so that you can perform to your optimum.

In conclusion, I wish to ensure that your degree works for you and not the other way around.

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