CORE Wednesday Gaming Nights

Wednesday 11 December 2024

Bunker Bar/Magee Games Room (Bottom Floor MG)

6pm - 10:30pm

Hey everybody, CORE gaming night will be back this Wednesday Dec 11th for the last time this semester in the Rock Road Social / The Bunker from 6.00pm - 10:30pm. Pretty chill night this week before we break up for the holidays. All students and past members are welcome. 

The running events we've got planned include: 

Finale Smash Tourney

We'll be holding a last Smash tourney just to round off the year. Sign-up will be up until 7.00pm.

Dungeons 'n' Dragons

Both DND campaigns continue this week! For Malakai's group, this will be in the bottom floor MG lobby. For Nathan's group meet in the kitchenette at 6.30pm/7.00pm. 


Warhammer will be running as usual in the Games Room with a Crusade journey too.

Along with all this, the usual consoles and board games will be set up as usual for use at your own leisure. 

This event will be:

£3.00 entry for SU Members

£5.00 entry for Non-Members

Check in will be at reception (MG Bottom Floor Lobby) 


Anyone interested in becoming a member again who is still a student can do so on the UUSU website:

If you are not a student please come talk to one of our committee on Discord/in person to be signed up as an associate member! 

Ulster University SU

Ulster University Students' Union was established in 1984 and is a membership-led organisation which represents over 26,000 full and part-time Ulster students. Company Number NI646426 (Registered in Northern Ireland).

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC107053.





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