University of Ulster Magee Christian Union, (UUMCU) operates in Magee as part of Christian Unions Ireland (CUI). We aim to proclaim Christ and spread the Gospel on campus.
Magee Christian Union is a safe space for everyone on campus to explore the Gospel. For those who are well along their way, or exploring Jesus for the first time, this is the society for you.
Our Tuesday nights are a fun-filled time, full of friends, laughter and getting to explore the Gospel together. We meet at 7:30pm every Tuesday evening in MU125. We will also have other events planned regularly throughout each week on campus, so follow us on our Instagram account so that you can keep up to date with what we've got planned. If you have any questions please message our social media accounts and we'd love to answer them!
We are so excited for the year ahead at CU! See below for the details of our weekly events and keep an eye out on our instagram page for details of other one off events. All events are free of charge and open to everyone :)
Further details below:


We are so excited for the return of our CU weekend this year. We'll be heading to White Park Bay from the 15th-17th of November for some craic an fellowship. Tickets can be bought using the link below:
Be sure to keep an eye on our Instagram page (@Mageecu) for further updates!