Society Finances

Suppliers List

Society Grant Application Form

Society Purchase or Payment Form

Cash Lodgement Form

Budget Template

Preferred Suppliers List

Finance Training

Frequently Asked Questions

Does UUSU give societies any money?

Yes! If you are an active society, there is the opportunity to get £450 in a year from UUSU
£300 development grant
£50 welcome grant at start of each semester for events ran between week 0-2
£50 club 50 award if your society reaches 50 paid members (either standard or associate)

To qualify your committee must have the following:
completed mandatory training at the start of your academic year (in person training will take place in Sept plus online will be available).
needs to have 10 paid members.

How does our society make money?

Easy- the more members you encourage to sign up as a member you more money you add to your fundraising account.

All committee members need to be a paid-up member before you start the year (membership opens on 1st July each year)

Also consider adding in tickets to your events to help cover costs. Students get in the way of only attending events if they think there is something free there or more often than not food! But your grants do not cover food after week 2 in each semester so if you think it is needed you will have to charge a small amount to attend!!

How do we keep track of what money we have?

If you are selling tickets or products online you can run a sales report via your society admin tools option on your society webpage.

Just select the date range you need and it will give you up to date information of what has been purchased via your webpage.

Make sure to use a budget template (found in this module) for every event that you are planning as it will allow you to see what your expected costs are so that you know how much money you will need to cover them.

UUSU finance reconciles society accounts monthly. Your Societies Activities Coordinator will let you know your fundraising balance normally by the 6th or 7th or each month.
We do advise that treasurers use this balance as a starting point each month & then keep track of any expenses submitted (payment purchases submitted) so that you know roughly at any given time how much you have in your account.

How can we access our monies?

We can either order items online for you, pay an invoice or refund a committee member.

We do not have cash on the premises so you cannot lift money out by cash.

Please note we process society payments every 2 weeks – your Societies Coordinator will let you know dates at the start of each semester.

All payment requests need submitted via a payment purchase form along with either copy of invoice, photo of itemised receipt or word doc with links to website order or list of pizza to be ordered.

Other committee members also need to authorise the spending – so you need to ask them to email the treasurer confirming that they approve the purchase.

What can we spend our UUSU grants on?

You are slightly restricted in what you can use your grant allocation form. This document breaks it down for you.

Mainly the grant cannot cover food, clothing, alcohol, anything to do with formal or bigger parties, activities or items that are not related to your societies aims and objectives.

We want to order Merch for our society is that possible?

Yes! If you source your supplier and ask for an invoice, we can pay them directly or if an easy order we can order online if they do not invoice – see the preferred suppliers list.

Please note for online orders (with exception of Amazon) it will be dependent on what balance we have on our credit card as to when we can place your order so please check with your Society Coordinator first!

We need to request an invoice from a supplier - what information do we tell them?

To ensure we can pay an invoice you must have the supplier to make it out to the society c/o UUSU. Without UUSU on the invoice we cannot pay (UU is not enough as we are separate to them)

If the person you are dealing with is an individual (not a company) then they need to produce an invoice (there are templates online for this) & we need the following information

  • Name of person
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Amount
  • Services they provided & date

Can UUSU provide Purchase Orders?

Yes! We strongly encourage these if you are planning a formal. A purchase order is an official promise to pay which we will send to the hotel/other suppliers when you start planning your event. It means that we can pay them on the payment run after your event rather than before giving you longer to have your tickets on sale.

If wanting us to send a PO, we need the following info
Supplier name/email
What you are promising to pay (for example if a hotel then it will be min number of tickets you have agreed to)
Date of event

Can UUSU invoice companies on our behalf?

Yes! If you have been lucky to gain sponsorship from a company, we can invoice them to request this money. Please note that sponsorship (I.e the company will be getting something out if like tags of thanks on your social media) then VAT does need to be added onto the invoice so please ask in advance if the total they are giving you is inclusive of VAT or they want it added on.

If the company do not require invoices there is an option that they could just bank transfer the money to UUSU account. If you wish to do this please contact your Societies Coordinator.